The Blonde Mule

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Summer Reading

Giving book recs is my love language. A few friends have asked me for summer reads that they can take to the beach, the lake, the back porch, etc. Since I was clearly already going to make a list, I thought I’d ask everyone what kind of summer reading you want to do this summer. Because we’re all reading on a budget, this list is a mix of new releases and paperbacks. Here are your requests and my recommendations!

Summer Reading!

Request: “gimme something steamy to pair with the heat”

Request: “fun, mindless entertainment please”

Request: “lighthearted and easy”

Request: “anything that pulls me in from the beginning - doesn’t have to be happy/fun”

Request: “not a romance novel”

Request: “intense female bonding”

Request: “something non-stressful so my brain can decompress”

Request: “true crime”

Request: “absolute filth with a cheerful ending”

Request: “really good nonfiction”

Request: “novels that capture my attention, but not fluff”


If nothing on this list scratches your itch, check out this great summer reading list that my friend Erica put together for the Nashville Scene.

Note: These are affiliate links. I earn 10% commission whenever someone buys a book I recommend. Thank you in advance for supporting the time and work that goes into creating these posts.

Shop my Summer Reading list here!