The Blonde Mule

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Birchbox Review: July

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July was a colorful


. I was excited when I opened it, mostly because I thought those two packets at the bottom were snacks, but also because of the lip gloss & hair mask. Here's what I got!

Harvey Prince Hello Body Creme

, $22

I love this lotion! It goes against everything I stand for, scent-wise, but I can't quit it. Because I apparently can't read, I mistakenly used it as shower gel for two days before I realized it's lotion, so I didn't get to use as much of it as I would have liked & now it's on backorder. I'll totally buy this when it's back in stock & I will cover my entire body in it, forever.

Real Chemistry Luminous 3-Minute Peel

, $48

I haven't used this yet. I'm honestly kind of scared of it. I've never used or done a peel & all I can think about is that

Sex & The City

episode where Samantha has to wear a veil to Carrie's book launch party because she had a chemical peel.

Beauty Protector Protect & Treat Mask

, $25.95

Man, I was so excited to see this brand back in my box. I live & die by their


. Plus, who doesn't love a hair mask? Well, here's the rub. You have to leave this on for 20 minutes. Um... so how do you do that? Here's what I did. I got in the shower, put it on, got out, put my hair in a bun, put a shower cap on & sat cold & wet on the couch for 20 minutes. Meh? Buy



Cynthia Rowley Creamy Lip Stain

(in Sugar), $20

This is a great lip gloss. They're calling it a stain, but it's lip gloss. It's thicker than most glosses & it feels great on. I got the Sugar color, which is pretty neutral, but I'm into it. It's real similar to Chanel Glossimer. I may buy it.

100% Pure Gingerade Shower Gel

, $15

I wasn't into this. The packaging was frustrating. It came in like a soy sauce packet, so that was fun to use in the shower with wet hands. I didn't like the scent either. The ginger is real strong. Too strong. Pass.