Weekend Wrap Up: House Of Cards Edition

I started

House Of Cards

on Netflix Friday night.  A political drama starring Kevin Spacey, set in D.C.?  Yes, please!  I plowed through the first 6 episodes (there are 13).  Robin Wright, you are amazing & I covet your short, sexy hair.  This show is so good!

My friend Dawn & I tried Nashville's new yoga studio,

Shakti Power Yoga

, on Saturday morning.  We did the 8am Power Hour with Lauren, one of the owners.  I loved it!  I bought the 30 days for $30 package, so I expect to be there a lot between now & March 10th, when my 30 days expire.

After yoga, we fueled up on lattes at my new favorite coffee spot,


.  If you live on the West Side & haven't tried Headquarters yet, please do.  I need this place to stay open.  I can't keep driving across the river for lattes.

We met our friends Michael & Becky for dinner at La Hacienda on Saturday night.  I hadn't been to La Hacienda in years.  I forgot how good it is!  I've been off Mexican food lately, but La Hacienda may have re-awoken the sleeping cheese dip dragon...

Last week was our last long training run (11 miles).  We're in taper mode now.  We ran 75 minutes yesterday & will only run 60 minutes next week, then it's Race Day!!

We didn't even come close to burning enough calories to justify this, but after our run yesterday, we treated ourselves to brunch & 2 for 1 mimosas at Mad Donna's.  Whatever, yolo.

Last night, John & I decided to try our hand at homemade hot chicken.  Why not?  We found a bootleg Prince's recipe online & shockingly found lard hidden on the back of a shelf at Publix.  It was on.

Y'all, we totally pulled this off!  If you follow me on Instagram, then you know how this went down.  If you don't, stay tuned, recipe to follow later in the week.

Recipe: Homemade Hot Chicken

Weekend Wrap Up: 11 Miles Edition