The Blonde Mule

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Weekend Wrap Up: Long Weekend Edition

This is the first year I didn't participate in Black Friday.  I just didn't feel it this year.  Instead, I got up at 5am, went to Circuit Class, had a liquid lunch with Heidi & Allison, & drove around giving plates of pie to all my friends who had to work.

I got up early on Saturday to put up our Christmas tree.  About half way through, I needed fuel, so I made this recipe for buttermilk pancakes with all the buttermilk I had left in my fridge.  These are the best pancakes I've ever made!

I like to watch movies while I put up the tree.  I usually watch Christmas movies, but this year I watched Manhattan.

Contrary to her ambivalent expression, Linda's actually really excited about Christmas.

The tree is up!  I spent the rest of Saturday cleaning & lounging.  That night, we met Mike & Amanda for dinner at Anatolia.  John & I have eaten at Anatolia for years, but I've recently discovered their chicken stew & I'm obsessed with it!

I'm running my second half marathon in New Orleans on February 24th.  While we still have plenty of time, we're trying to go ahead & get in the habit of running long runs on Sunday.  Even though it was 70 degrees on Thanksgiving, when I awoke yesterday, it was 25 degrees.  25 degrees!  After days of binge pie & buttermilk pancake eating, the last thing ANYONE wanted was to see me squeezed into 3 layers of spandex.  You're welcome.

Me, Jaime & Heidi ran a very cold 4+ miles, then warmed ourselves with coffee & breakfast biscuits at Barista Parlor.

Last night, John & I made Mark Bittman's thai curry stew with turkey & zucchini & watched Bernie on Netflix.  So good!  Jack Black - yeah!