The Blonde Mule

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3-Day Weekend Wrap Up: Riding Dirty Edition

I met my Tri friends Heidi & Allison on Saturday morning for a 25 mile ride.  I was pretty doubtful that I'd be able to ride 25 miles, thus my above skeptical before face.  Also, I was sure it was going to rain, like it does EVERY TIME I RIDE MY BIKE.

We didn't make it 25 miles, but we went pretty far.  We rode the greenway from Shelby Bottoms to Kohl's in Hermitage - about 16 miles.  It felt like we rode around the world.  It was so hard!  But fun.  We ran into Jonell about halfway through & she rode with us to Kohl's.  So helpful!  In the pic above, you can't tell, but my legs are filthy.  It was kind of awesome.  I mean, you might even say I was riding dirty.  I'm just saying.

After the ride, we all went to Ugly Mugs & feasted on oatmeal & coffee.  I wanted a bagel so bad, but I've got to rein in my eating.  I've got a physical this week.

In a continued effort to take the worst pictures ever, this happened.  Having spent half of my day riding to Hermitage, on Saturday night, we drove there to celebrate our friend's birthday at Gondola House Pizzeria.  It was so good!  If you ever find yourself on Lebanon Pike & in need of nourishment, I highly recommend this restaurant.

Since all three of us overdid it after our ride on Saturday, we decided to meet at Percy Warner to run the 5.8.  It was rough.  It was kind of raining & it was as humid as it's ever been.  And we were all a tiny bit hung-over.  Hard times...  But we did it.

Our friends Jeremy & Candice, of Battle Tapes fame, got married on Sunday night.  Their wedding was at Marathon Music Works & was half wedding, half rock show.  It was awesome!  You know you're in Nashville when the wedding program comes with earplugs.

Wedding friends:  Katie, me & Alexis, notably sans earplugs.  We're hardcore like that.

On Monday, Jaime & I went to the Belcourt to see The Queen Of Versailles.  I've heard mixed reviews, but I liked it.  It's obviously not a feel good movie, but it's very interesting.  I'd recommend watching it when it comes out on DVD.

Speaking of movies, I watched The Artist this weekend.  Whoa!  I can't believe I waited so long to see this movie.  Definitely one of the best movies I've ever seen.  LOVED it!!!