The Blonde Mule

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Halloween Crafts

It's no secret, I'm REALLY into Halloween.  It's also no secret, if you know me, that I suck at crafts.  I've been going pin-crazy over on Pinterest, so my friends suggested we get together this Friday night to make some of these Halloween craft projects.  In fact, Alexis & I are going to Michael's today to shop for supplies.  I still don't know what I'm making, assuredly something easy (and inexpensive).  Here are some of the projects I'm contemplating:

Fanged Pumpkins via Martha Stewart

Pumpkin Drink Cooker via The Kitchn

Halloween Lantern via ModFruGal

Again, I have no idea what I'm making, or what anyone else is making, for that matter.  I'm leaning towards the fanged pumpkins, but we'll see.  If you know me & you're interested in getting in on this Friday night craft action, shoot me an email.  I don't have a very big table for crafting, but we'll make it work.

I've got a lot of these Halloween craft projects pinned on my Fall/Halloween board.  Follow me on Pinterest here.

Joyeux Halloween!