The Blonde Mule

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Weekend Wrap Up: Memorial Day Edition

Baby birds in a nest over our garage. Yes, they nest in an actual plastic bird. I know...

I met my friend Jaime at the nail salon on Friday afternoon for the birthday pedicure she generously treats me to every year. She brought a bottle of wine & they put us in a private pedicure room - so fun! I had my toes painted in Essie Pretty Edgy, which I LOVE & may have to buy.

On Saturday I set out with my friend Megan to try & spend my Green Hills Mall gift card. Sadly, I was embarrassingly unsuccessful. I only bought a t-shirt, a tank & a skinny belt, & I'm returning the tank, haha. It was a combination of not finding anything I wanted to buy & having a bad body image day. C'est la vie. I'll try again next weekend.

In the summer months, John & I inevitably find ourselves at Bobby's Dairy Dip at least once a weekend. Technically, it's not summer for a few more weeks, but here in the Dirty South, it's already a gazillion degrees outside & don't even get me started on the cicadas... I tried something new & got a chocolate soft serve cone dipped in coconut. That's right, COCONUT. It was the best ice cream cone I've ever had! I had to fight the urge all day to go back & get a second one.

That night, we tried a new recipe: long boy burgers. They were really good, although they are definitely more of a meatloaf sandwich than a hamburger. John made homemade fries, too - so good!

Tiffany was in town from NYC, so we had brunch in M'boro with Lauren, then we went back to her house to see the nursery. So cute! Later, Tiff & I went to Green Hills Mall to make another go at spending my gift card. Success! I got all kinds of good stuff - yay! Then we met our friend Jess for dinner & ritas. Good times!