The Blonde Mule

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Weekend Wrap Up: We Bought A Fry Daddy Edition

I watched Friday Night Lights: Season 5: Disc 2. There's only one more disc, so I'm approaching the end, people. It's probably going to be dark days....

I was supposed to go on a bike ride, but the weather ruined that. Instead I stayed in & finished reading Catching Fire, the second book in the Hunger Games trilogy. Full review forthcoming, but this book was SO GOOD! I immediately started the third, Mockingjay, & am already half through that one.

That night, we met Dave & Alexis for dinner at Tequila's. It was Dave's inaugural visit, as they're also loyal Cinco fans. I had no idea so many people still ate at Cinco. Saturday by Saturday, we're converting friends from Cinco to Tequila's. Mexican restaurants who switch from Coke to Pepsi, let this be a lesson to you....

Jessica & I ran 4 miles at Shelby Bottoms, then went to Mitchell Deli for our traditional Sunday morning breakfast bagels. I came home, made chocolate chip cookies & took Linda for a walk while John went to Third Man Records to see his *hair doppelganger, Jerry Lee Lewis.

John's old barber, Leonard (RIP), who was apparently also Jerry Lee Lewis' barber, used to tell John that he & 'ole Jerry Lee had the same hair. For years, John has worn this compliment (?) as a badge of hair honor.

We decided a couple days ago to make this gaucho chimichurri steak sandwich for dinner on Sunday. Whenever we make any kind of a sandwich, I usually buy frozen french fries, which unbeknownst to me, is apparently the bane of my husband's existence. So yesterday, John bought a $20 fry daddy from Target & made homemade french fries. I don't know if they were $20 french fries, but they were really good.