The Blonde Mule

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You Can Take the Girl Out of the Sorority...

I have binge tendencies, albeit food or spending. I only get paid once a month, so I'm usually a little low at the end of the month, even more so lately. I have been b-r-o-k-e BROKE! I've needed a new bra for awhile now, so today I left work early & headed to Macy's. My bra was on sale, so I decided to shop around a little & spend some more money. I couldn't find anything that fit me anywhere, undoubtedly due to the ridiculous amount of food I've eaten in the past 2 days, but whatever. That's what Z Gallerie is for.

So I'm looking around, admiring all the stuff I can't afford. I'm talking to you $130 wall mounted horse head. And then I see it. A big white owl for $19.95. Sold! It's like the owl hypnotized me. One minute I was looking at it & flipping it over to see how much it cost & the next thing I know, I'm walking to my car with a heavy ass Z Gallerie bag in my hand.

I have no idea where I'm going to put it. It's pretty big. I feel like it needs to be on a perch somewhere. I don't know... I'll report back.

X and the horseshoe.....