The Blonde Mule

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When Good Vegetables Go Bad

Photo credit: Susi Kochen Und Backen Adventures

I found a new food blog last week via TasteSpotting called Susi's Kochen Und Backen Adventures. She focuses a lot on side dishes & desserts, a woman after my own heart!

I printed off a few recipes to try & made my first one last night. OMG, it was soooo good! I made her boursin creamed spinach. Seriously, omg. Don't be fooled by the title, there's nothing healthy about this dish. Whatever nutritional value the spinach has is 100% nullified by the cheese, butter & heavy cream. But it's so, so good.

Here are some of her other recipes that I'm waiting to try:

Bacon-Spinach Mashed Potatoes

Tequila Refried Beans

My skirt was a little tight today, but it was totally worth it. Thanks, Susi!