The Blonde Mule

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Weekend Wrap Up

Friday Night:
Stayed in, made pasta, opened a bottle of wine & watched Food Inc. Finally! I've been meaning to watch this movie since it came out. Review forthcoming...

Drove over to my old hood & ran 3 miles up & down Belmont Blvd. Felt really good to run with other runners. I've mapped out a 3 mile loop in my neighborhood, but it involves running down a super shady street & there's all these stray dogs that haven't chased me yet, but I fear it's inevitable.

Post-run, John & I headed over to the Farmer's Market for lunch & fresh produce. Then I did my usual weekend errands: Trader Joe's, Publix, Target, etc. I also spent a good part of the afternoon reading on the deck. Got to get that vitamin D in when I can!

Saturday Night:
With Carolyn & David in tow, we made the trek to M'boro for Lauren & Kelly's annual St. Patrick's Day party. We had a blast. I'm totally guessing here, but I think it's safe to say I had about 100 green beers & 200 shamrock cookies. Ballpark.

Apparently David's dad was quite the lady's man in college because Lauren's mom & all of her friends went batshit when they saw David & immediately realized who's son he is. It was hilarious. David was a celebrity. You've never seen such excitement. They all had their picture made with him, ha ha!

With the allure of homemade roast, John & I made our way to Smyrna for lunch & to see the twins, who are now a month old & still identical. My sister has taken to painting their tiny, little thumbnails to tell them apart. They're pretty cute, as evidenced above.