The Blonde Mule

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Pork Chop Extravaganza

Last night John made dinner for the 1st time in 4 years. He was flipping through a Kroger coupon thing that came in the mail & saw a picture of pork chops & got inspired. So he got online, found a recipe & took off to Kroger. As long as I've known him, he's never gone to the grocery store, except for the few times that he's reluctantly gone with me. He came back with the chops, various seasonings, 2 different boxes of popsicles & a huge box of Lucky Charms. It was cute.

So I went back to TiVo & left him alone in the kitchen to work his pork chop magic. Aside from using almost an entire bottle of extra-virgin olive oil, he did a really good job. Oh, and he almost set his hand on fire, but that's neither here nor there. The pork chops were really good. They were well seasoned & cooked all the way through. He even made 2 side dishes. It was quite a feast, followed by popsicles, of course.

I'm hoping he does this more often. I don't love to cook, probably because I feel like I have to if either of us wants to eat. The option of being able to come home & plop down in front of TiVo while John slaves away in the kitchen every now & then is very appealing.....