I Got Cat Class & I Got Cat Style

A stray cat appeared on our front porch over the weekend. I gave it a bowl of water, but other than that, I've pretty much been ignoring it, hoping it will go away. Not John. No, John loves it. I think John's been feeding it behind my back. The cat won't leave. It follows John around from the front porch, to the back porch, to the garage. All the while, meowing up a storm. John thinks it's hilarious. He just meows right back. I can't tell you how many times in the past 2 days I've heard John meowing from the garage or front porch.

Last night John was installing a new door knob & deadbolt on our front door. The cat was on the front porch, trying to get into the house. I was in the kitchen making dinner & John informs me that he's going to call the cat "Daniel". I advise against naming a cat that we're not keeping. No response. We sit down to dinner & John asks if I made anything to eat for "the littlest Baldwin". No, I did not.

The cat's cute & he's obviously malnourished, but John's allergic & we just got a brand new leather couch. John says "Daniel" doesn't have to come in the house, he can just be an outside cat. I am starting to feel bad for the cat. If he's still around this weekend, I MIGHT buy him some cat food. Might.....

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