White Chicks & Gang Signs

Tonight is my last Statistics class. Hooray! He's giving us our final tonight to turn in on Thursday & then we're done. Unfortunately, my next class, Information Technology, starts on Monday. Yeah, no rest for the wicked. This new class goes until August 8th. I have no idea what this class is, aside from the fact that it obviously has something to do with computers. Please God, let it be easier than Statistics.

In the fog of last week I failed to mention that John & I bought our house. We close on July 25th. I AM SO EXCITED! In related news, my apartment is available if anyone wants to live in an overpriced garage within walking distance of Belmont & Bongo Java. Free cable & internet...

In closing, I 'd like to share another installment of "What's Making Me Laugh Today", courtesy of Mary Katherine:

Sayonara Statistics!

Credit Where Credit's Due