Business Time

House: We hired a home inspector. The inspection is scheduled for Mon morning. We're hoping he doesn't find anything terrible during the inspection & that it's a quick closing process from there. Our closing date is July 25.

Statistics: My class still sucks. In the last class, we had to take turns writing our homework problems on the board -for 3 different chapters. I felt pretty confident doing the homework, but I quickly realized that I was getting the majority of the problems wrong. The more the teacher explained each problem, the more confused I got. My friend Jessica & I describe the class as similar to being shot in the head because that's how I feel when I get out of that class -like my brain matter is slowly draining out of my head. Gory, but true. I was in a horrible mood after my Tues night class. I awoke on Wed to a Flight of the Conchords CD & a cute note from John that said he hoped the CD cheered me up. It did. The CD is hilarious. I love those guys.

Weight: I am fat again. I don't know how I've gained so much so fast, but I definitely have. I'm a stress eater & I've been eating like a crazy person lately. I am working out though, not that it seems to be helping me on the scale. I've been half-ass doing Weight Watchers again online. Guess I need to go whole hog & try to get this weight off. Ugh...

Metallica Is Totally Here

Bacon & Chocolate, Who Knew?