The Blonde Mule

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Weekend Recap

Friday night:
John & I met our new friends Jessica & Brian (also recently engaged) @ Cinco de Mayo. We had a good time talking about our upcoming nuptials & where to go on our honeymoons (I vote Mexico).

John & I ate lunch @ Calypso Cafe then drove around looking for somewhere to live.

Later that afternoon, I met Carolyn at her casa to get started on our Save-the-Dates & wedding invitations. Four hours later, we pretty much had decided on the Save-the-Date. Carolyn rocks! If any of you ever have stationary needs, definitely give her a call.

Saturday night:
John & I were going to see Baby Mama, but I stayed at Carolyn's too long & we missed the movie. We went to Anatolia & had dinner, then John went to Mercy Lounge & I went home & watched more episodes of The Sopranos (almost done).

I woke up super early & painted my nails, went to Starbucks, read the paper & watched all the Sunday AM news programs. Thought about working out, then didn't -afraid socks/tennis shoes would mess up freshly painted nails. Woke up John & went to see Baby Mama.

SIDENOTE: Baby Mama is hilarious. It's my new favorite movie. Highly recommend it.

After the movie, we were hungry, so we went to Whole Foods & ate a slice of pizza. I decided I should try & do my grocery shopping for the week while we were there. I quickly realized I am not the type of person who shops at Whole Foods. I like to shop at Kroger where I know all the brands, can find both generic & lower fat versions of almost everything I eat & get at least $5 knocked off my bill for using my Kroger Plus card. Aside from not feeling cool enough to be shopping at Whole Foods, I didn't know what anything was. And there was no pre-packaged meat. No Laura's Lean. I had to ask the "butcher" for a pound of lean ground beef. It was $8.99! I'm sorry, but that's insane.

Whole Foods, I like you & I'll still run in when I need a quick already prepared meal, but you will not be getting my weekly business. Sorry.

In closing, last night I finally watched Atonement. I liked it. I was mildly annoyed at Keira Knightley's obvious anorexia, but whatever. It was a good movie.