The Blonde Mule

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Reception Site Booked

We finally found a place to have our reception. We booked the Sam Davis Home in Smyrna. It's perfect. It's both indoors & out. We will all fit indoors, but I'm really hoping for nice weather so we can have guests outside as well. Plus, we'd like to set up the band and/or DJ outside. Pics here:

So to have only been engaged for one month, I feel like we've accomplished a lot. We've booked both the church & the reception site. We've hired the wedding photographer. We've almost hired a caterer. We've started our registry. I've started trying on dresses. Our guest list is complete for the most part. My mom & I are meeting with Carolyn tomorrow to get started on our invitations & save-the-dates, etc.

The things that still need to be done are the fun things: deciding on colors, picking out the bridesmaid dresses, cake vs. cupcakes, flowers, reception decor, etc. I'm trying to get as much done as I can before I start summer school in June because I'm afraid my weekends will be spent studying.