The Blonde Mule

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Dr. Mule?

It's official, I'm a grad student. Today I registered for the one class I'm taking this semester, Seminar in Public Administration. I went by TSU on my way home tonight & picked up my student ID. It's weird having a student ID again. I need to remember to use it at places that give student discounts....

For those of you who don't know, I'm enrolled in the MPA (masters of public administration) program at TSU. It's the program former Nashville Mayor Bill Purcell is now the dean of. I can only take one class in the spring while we're in Session, but I'm going to ramp up in the summer & fall & hopefully finish in 2-ish years. They also offer a PhD, so, who knows, I may keep going.

Well, the cold/SARS that plagued me all weekend has finally subsided. Spent all day Fri, Sat, Sun in the house -going crazy. I'm still congested, but definitely feeling better. John took pity on me Sun afternoon & took me to the movies (much to the chagrin of everyone else in the theater because I coughed & sniffed the entire time). We saw No Country For Old Men. VERY good movie, highly recommend it.

Next on my movie list (thanks to Tiffany's reminder today) is There Will Be Blood, the new movie by PT Anderson. I love PT, I own all his movies on DVD, but I can't lie, I'm going to see Daniel Day Lewis. I love that man. As I told Tiff today, if Gangs of New York weren't so long, I'd watch it before bed every night so I could have sweet mustache dreams....